Parabolas, Colors, and Tattered Pages: Creative Ways to Organize Your Bookshelves
A couple of years ago, Rioter Liberty gave you some fresh ideas for how to creatively organize your bookshelves. Because she was right, you know: alphabetical order is so passé!
Well, I’d like to add a few of my own ideas here, since the very
thought of organizing things makes me salivate like a hungry bear. I
mean, whenever I’ve had the opportunity to reorganize my bookshelves, I
had to keep my smelling salts handy for fear I’d pass out from the
fun-overload of deciding how to best arrange my literary lovelies.
So here goes:
Shape/size: shortest books to tallest books, or vice
versa, or if you’re feeling feisty, short-tall-short to form a bell
curve, or tall-short-tall for a parabola. Bookish eye-candy for the win,
as they say.
Chronological order: there is just so much you can do with this! Allow me to offer three suggestions:
date written: so, for instance, you could have The Iliad all the way on the left, and The Martian on the right, with everything in between arranged according to the original copyright date.
date of events: yeah, a book might have been
written last year, but if it takes place mostly in the 12th century
(i.e. historical fiction) or whatever, go with it. That’ll make for one
interesting arrangement!
date when you bought it: I don’t know about you
guys, but I can clearly remember where (and sometimes when) I bought
some of my most cherished volumes. So if you have a photographic memory
or something like that, do this. No one will ever be able to guess your organizational scheme (mwah ha ha).
sourceRoom decoration: your room with the green walls
would only contain books with green spines. Your room with the blue and
purple vases would only contain…you guessed it…books of the violet
sourceBest- to least-loved (or vice versa): Now, we all
have books that we bought and read and wondered why we bothered, but
nonetheless, there they are. Right next to the books we love most. And why??
Because we have been slaves to the alphabet! Break free from this
unnecessary servitude and cluster all your favorite books in one
bookcase/in one room and put the…others…in a different room (maybe the
guest room?). I mean, it’s your place, so do what you want.
sourceNumber of re-reads: I’m a compulsive
resolution-maker, though I don’t actually adhere to many of those said
resolutions. One goal I set for myself a few years ago was to read The Magic Mountain
once a year. Sadly, this has not happened yet. But if you reread
certain books a lot, why not keep ‘em all together for efficiency’s
sake? (you’ll also be keeping the poor tattered books together so they
can commiserate when you’re not looking…)
Most-likely-to-be-loaned-out to you’ll-have-to-pry-it-out-of-my-cold-dead-fingers: There are some books (like my collection of Thomas Mann novels) that I WILL NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES LOAN TO ANYONE.
Sorry, just couldn’t bear not to know where they are at all times. With
some other books, well, I’m a little less overprotective…
great fun post! I tend to shelve by books by height, because then I can more easily stack books on top of them. and the ones that I love and compulsively reread are usually near each other too. One time I had enough bookshelf space to organize everything alpha by last name, and I could never find anything! I was so used to the books being organized differently.
great fun post! I tend to shelve by books by height, because then I can more easily stack books on top of them. and the ones that I love and compulsively reread are usually near each other too. One time I had enough bookshelf space to organize everything alpha by last name, and I could never find anything! I was so used to the books being organized differently.